
FRISCjs user interfaces (the browser Web app and NodeJs console app) are built as a layer on top of two generic, pure-JavaScript libraries. This document describes the API of these two libraries: the FRISC assembler and the FRISC simulator. Using this API, other user interfaces may be built for any platform supporting JavaScript.


In node, install using npm:

npm install friscjs

and then access the assembler and simulator:

var friscjs = require("friscjs");
var asm = friscjs.assembler;
var sim = friscjs.simulator;

In a browser, link to the browser script that contains both the assembler and simulator:

<script src="lib/friscjs-browser.js"></script>

and then access the assembler and simulator:

var asm = friscjs.assembler;
var sim = friscjs.simulator;

FRISC assembler

The assembler used for assembling FRISC source code using the parse() method:

var result = asm.parse(frisc_code_string);

where frisc_code_string is a single string containing FRISC code. E.g.:

lab1 ADD R1, R2, R3
lab2 ADD r2, 5, r5

The result of invoking parse() is a result object containing two properties: result.mem and result.ast.

result.ast is the parser AST output and should be used for debugging purposes only. It is an array of parse objects, one for each instruction in the source code. E.g.:

[ { op: 'ADD',
   optype: 'aluop',
   alusrc1: { type: 'reg', value: [ 'R', '1' ] },
   alusrc2: { type: 'reg', value: [ 'R', '2' ] },
   aludest: { type: 'reg', value: [ 'R', '3' ] },
   curloc: 0,
   line: 2,
   machineCode: '00100000000000000000000000000000' },
 { op: 'ADD',
   optype: 'aluop',
   alusrc1: { type: 'reg', value: [ 'r', '2' ] },
   alusrc2: { type: 'num', value: 5 },
   aludest: { type: 'reg', value: [ 'r', '5' ] },
   curloc: 4,
   line: 3,
   machineCode: '00100100000000000000000000000101' },

result.mem is the binary code of the assembled program, which should be loaded into the FRISC simulator. The binary code is an array of 8-character strings, each string representing the binary value to be stored in FRISC memory at that location. E.g.:

[ '00000000', '00000000', '00000000', '00100000', '00000101', '00000000', '00000000', '00100100' ]

In case of parsing errors, the parse() method will throw an exception which contains line and column properties which denote the line and column at which the parsing error occured:

try {
  var result = asm.parse(frisc_code_string);
} catch (e) {
  console.log("Parsing error on line " + e.line + " column " + e.column + " -- " + e.toString());

FRISC simulator

The simulator is a constructor for instantiating FRISCjs simulator objects:

var simulator = new sim();

A simulator instance object exposes two FRISC components: FRISC memory (simulator.MEM) and FRISC cpu (simulator.MEM).

FRISC memory component

The FRISC memory component exposes the following data properties and functions:

FRISC cpu component

The FRISC cpu component exposes the following data properties and functions:

The FRISC cpu component also invokes the following event handlers, if they are specified:

Here is an example of setting an event handler that outputs the FRISC cpu register state after the cpu was stopped:

simulator.CPU.onStop = function() {
  console.log("FRISC processor stopped!");
  console.log("STATUS of registers:", simulator.CPU._r);