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Enabling PubSubHubBub for GitHub hosted blogs

02 Jan 2011

EDIT (August 20 2012): Sergey Lukin has been doing some digging and discovered two very interesting things which make some of the claims in my post no longer valid.

First, GitHub now allows URL query parameters in post-commit Web hooks. Although this isn’t mentioned in the official docs, it just works. In other words, you can specify a Web hook URL like http://your.server.com/web_hook_resource?param1=value1&param2=value2 and GitHub will make a POST request to the full URL, without discarding the query parameters, as before.

Second, the reference PubSubHubBub hub at http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com doesn’t strictly follow the PSHB specification with regard to the parameters passed in the new content notification HTTP POST request. Specifically, the spec says that the hub will read the notification parameters from the HTTP request body. However, the notification request will be correctly processed even if the parameters are specified as URL query parameters, not in the message body. The reason why this works is that the reference hub is hosted on Google’s AppEngine and implemented using the webapp2 Python framework. This framework parses parameters both from the message body and URL query part and exposes them as a single object, making it irrelevant how a parameter was actually passed.

The result of these two discoveries is that you no longer need to use a proxy server to ping a PSHB hub using GitHub post-commit hooks, as described in the blog post below. You can just use a direct Web Hook to the reference hub. For example, I would specify this URL as the Web Hook to ping the hub when my blog’s ATOM feed is updated: http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/publish?hub.mode=publish&hub.url=http%3A%2F%2Fivanzuzak.info%2Fatom.xml. Just replace the value of the hub.url parameter with your blog’s ATOM/RSS feed URL and that’s it!

However, again, notice that this works only because the reference PSHB hub is not strictly following the PSHB specification. If you are using another PSHB hub, check that it can accept parameters passed in the URL query part.

Great work, Sergey!!

I’ve recently switched from a Wordpress.com hosted blog to a GitHub hosted blog on a custom domain using GitHub Pages. And one of the first things I wanted to enable for the new blog was PubSubHubBub (PSHB) support. Generally, in order to enable PSHB for a blog, two things need to be done:

1) add a <link rel="hub" href="http://url.of.a.pshb.hub" /> to the blog’s ATOM feed, linking to a PSHB hub, e.g. the reference hub running on appengine http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com (see PSHB specification Section 5. - Discovery)

2) every time a new blog post is created or an old blog post is updated - notify the hub from step 1) by making a HTTP POST request with the body containing the blog’s ATOM feed URL (see PSHB specification Section 7.1. - New Content Notification)

For GitHub hosted blogs, step 1) isn’t a problem as it only requires you to insert one line of text into your blog’s ATOM XML feed. However, step 2) is a problem. The good news is that each GitHub Pages site is also a GitHub repository and GitHub supports service hooks, predefined services which GitHub notifies each time the repository is pushed to. The bad news is that, although many services like Twitter and Campfire are supported, PubSubHubBub hubs are not supported. So basically, you need to make a custom service. Now, a special type of service hooks are generic post-receive hooks, user-specified URLs (also called webhooks) to which GitHub makes a HTTP POST request each time the repository is pushed to. And now for more bad news. First, HTTP POST requests made to post-receive hook URLs have a predefined and non-changeable message body. Therefore, because a PSHB notify request must contain certain parameters in the body of the HTTP POST request, there is no way of specifying these parameters since the body is predefined by GitHub. Second, requests made to post-receive hook URLs are stripped from the URL query part. Therefore, even if PSHB supported passing notification parameters through the query part of the request URL, GitHub wouldn’t allow that either. I’ve asked about this issue on the GitHub forum and got a semi-satisfying response.

Until there’s a better solution, here’s an ugly-hack solution. I created an AppEngine proxy service, to be used as a post-receive hook, which makes PSHB notifications only to the reference PSHB hub when a POST request is made to the service. Since GitHub doesn’t allow query parameters in the URL, the proxy service will expect the blog’s ATOM feed URL to be passed as the suffix of the path part of the URL (e.g. instead of making a request to http://www.service.com?blogUrl=http://some.url.com, a request would be made to http://www.service.com/http://some.url.com).

So, here’s a step-by-step guide for enabling PubSubHubBub for your GitHub hosted blog:

1) Add the following lines to your blog’s ATOM feed XML:

<link href="http://url.of.your.blogs.atom.feed.xml" rel="self"/>
<link href="http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/" rel="hub"/>

where http://url.of.your.blogs.atom.feed.xml is what it says it is - the URL of your blog’s ATOM feed (e.g. mine is http://ivanzuzak.info/atom.xml). If this line is already present in your blog’s ATOM feed, you don’t have to add it again. Naturally, you will perform this step by editing your atom.xml source file and push it to the GitHub repository hosting your blog. You can see my atom.xml source here.

2) Open the admin page for the GitHub project hosting your blog and navigate to the Service hooks tab. Now, add a new post-receive hook with the following URL:


where, urlreq.appspot.com is the AppEngine proxy service I mentioned earlier and, again, http://url.of.your.blogs.atom.feed.xml is what it says it is - the URL of your blog’s ATOM feed. For example, the post-receive hook URL for my blog is http://urlreq.appspot.com/pshbpinggae/http://ivanzuzak.info/atom.xml. Passing parameters this way is really ugly, but currently there’s no better way of doing it.

Now every time you push a new blog post to the blog’s GitHub repository, GitHub will make a POST request to the urlreq AppEngine proxy service, the service will notify the reference PSHB hub, the hub will fetch your blog’s ATOM feed and notify all subscribers of the new feed entry. And if you make a commit the the repository which doesn’t contain a new blog post, the service will still notify the hub, but the hub is smart enough to detect that no new entries are present in the ATOM feed so no subscribers will be notified.

GitHub pages are really cool for hosting blogs and GitHub should do more in supporting them - it would be cool if a PubSubHubBub service hook was added to the list of Service hooks or if generic post-receive hooks supported specifying custom parameters for the hooks (either through the URL query part or through the HTTP request body). @izuzak
